Recommended Products
Dog Food
Recommended Supplements
We recommend NuVet Plus® for all our breeds as a daily supplement..
Keeping your pet’s immune system strong is crucial in today’s environment. Household toxins, fertilizers, pesticides, and even many of today’s pet foods leave your pet’s immune system susceptible. NuVet Plus® was created to be a high-quality supplement that incorporates a precise formula of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs and more. NuVet Plus® brings together vital ingredients that perform synergistically to help improve your pet’s health and keep them healthy. NuVet Plus® is made using Natural ingredients that are formulated in a FDA Registered Facility using CGMP standards.

Recommended Face Wipes
We recommend this product for all breeds but especially Frenchies. These face wipes help keep the eyes clean and prevent tear stains. You want to wipe your Frenchie's eyes from the outer corner in to prevent cherry eye. A lot of dirt and debris can collect between wrinkles on Frenchies. After cleaning the eyes, wrinkles and nose wipe down the inside of the ears then tail pocket daily. This product is 100% natural and helps prevent bacteria and yeast from growing on the skin.

Recomended Medium Dog Crate with Divider
This crate is perfect for potty training or having the puppy sleep in during the night. It comes with a divider so start out just giving the puppy enough room to lay down and stand up to turn around. If the puppy has more room it will use the bathroom in the crate. So as the puppy grows you can expand its space. We recommend this for all breeds, even Yorkies because it has enough room to put a litter box or pee pad if you have to leave your Yorkie for an extended
amount of time or over night. Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.
Recomended Feeding and Water Dish
We recommend this product for Goldendoodles and French Bulldogs. This product comes in different colors and size options. I recommend medium. This will help keep your puppy from splashing the water out or tipping the food out. Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.
Recommended Smart Toy
We recommend this toy because you can fill it with food and it takes a lot of effort and mental powers for the puppy to get the food out. This is great for keeping your puppy busy instead of them being destructive because they are bored or anxious
Available on Amazon, click image for direct link..
Recommended Dog Bed
We recommend this bed because it's super comfortable and fuzzy but most importantly because it has a removable cover so you can wash it and keep it fresh and clean! It will fit well in the kennel and because of the shape it will be more difficult for your puppy to stand on it to pee.
Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.
Recommended Dog Brush
We recommend this brush for all breeds. It feels kind of scratchy to us but it feels good to dogs. It's almost like a massage. It really helps detangle. The Goldendoodle's hair will look a little frizzy at first but their curls will bounce back soon. It leaves Yorkie hair shiny and smooth.
Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.
Recommended Litter Box
We recommend this product for Yorkies and Frenchies. Your puppy has been litter box trained since it could walk. They are also taught to use a dog door but this is a good option for night time and when they are left alone in a crate or until they receive all of their shots.
Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.
Recommended Litter
We recommend this litter for your puppy litter box. It is similar to the one I get from the feed store. It is wood pellets, they usually already learn not to eat it but if they do it won't hurt them. Please do not use cat litter because it clumps when moistened and could cause a blockage if consumed.
Available on Amazon, click image for direct link.